Photography is a fascinating and rigorous process but it is also fun. Today, it is much easier to get yourself to start taking photographs that you find interesting. Just quickly grab your camera and start shooting! You don’t even have to wait for days or weeks to see the results.
Since the technical barrier to photography has been drastically reduced, you have much more time to focus on how to take better pictures. Whether you’re a beginner or more experienced with photography, here are top tips to help you more and get that best picture!
- Give importance to composition
To make your photos more engaging, you need to be engaging with what you’re doing. Put some thought into your composition and try to make your photographs as good as possible.
To learn about this tip, you should know the basics of how to compose good photos. Make sure you don’t cut off the important parts of your subject with the edge of your frame. Also, see if your photo has a sense of balance and simplicity. And if the photo doesn’t look like what you’re aiming for, go ahead and experiment until you get it right.
- Pay attention with the light
Light plays such a significant role in the outcome of your photograph. If you take a photo with good light, you’ve taken a huge step towards getting a good picture.
To have a good picture, you must balance the light’s intensity between your subject and background. How can you do this? Well, make sure to pay attention to the direction and softness of the light. If the light is too harsh, you could get bad shadows going across your subject. If the light is coming from an angle you don’t like, you can either move the light source, move the subjects, or wait until the light is better.
- Learn to use the Exposure Triangle
Most cameras now have the auto mode which takes care of these three controls – aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. But things will be more different for you if you personally learn how to use the exposure triangle. Being able to use it guarantees a photo you surely want and like. And it won’t be just a picture that’ll disappoint you.
To know more, you need to understand the relationships between the three controls. When you adjust one of them, you would usually have to consider at least one of the others, to get your desired results.
Here’s a better idea for you: learn how to use aperture-priority or shutter-priority modes, and ultimately shoot in manual mode. Through this, you will easily learn how each control affects the other.
- Learn basic post-processing
Although you can get great photos already with a little knowledge of post-processing, learning the right post-processing can turn your great photos into something truly exceptional.
When editing, you can easily get overwhelmed and overdo things. So, it is important to make sure that none of the edits you’re making are permanent. This means that you always preserve your original file.
Post-processing is about imparting a mood and guiding your viewer’s eye in an image. Don’t worry about this so much, you’ll get better over time. Just remember to be subtle with your edits.
- Make lots of mistakes, then learn from them
Even though you know a lot of things about photography already, you can still make some mistakes. And that’s okay! The more mistakes you make, the faster you’ll learn and improve your skills. The real value is in turning those mistakes into lessons that can shape you as the best photographer.
Take all your time, try out techniques or styles you haven’t done before, and don’t be discouraged if you make mistakes along the way.
Fully understanding all these tips and putting them into practice will help you truly enhance your skills. In short, the more time you spend on photography, the easier it will be to take the photos that you are envisioning.